Thursday, 19 December 2013

Editing The Footage For The Soundscape

I found the editing of the visual footage a lot easier than the sound editing, due to the ability to visually create a narrative with both of the elements rather than just the sound recordings or just the footage. The most difficult part of the editing process was attempting to match up the recordings of footsteps with the visual footage of the main character's feet walking along a road. Although the sound isn't perfectly matched up with this scene, it is as close as we could have matched it.


Alex and I remembered the feedback from the last presentation/crit and made the piece speed up even faster while layering more sounds over each other in order to create a tense atmosphere. We felt as though the piece needed to contain a lot more sequences and shorter clips in order to fulfil the feedback that we had been given about the speed of the piece. As this was our final edit before the final presentation we were determined to re-edit the film to the best that we could and ended up spending many days and evenings in the edit suites improving the piece.
As Alex had re-edited the soundtrack, I re-edited the footage to sync with the new soundtrack and made the sequences lot fast and more interesting. Alex helped with the footage by adding shot of the egg timer in various places in the narrative so that the audience are intrigued by the repetition of a small, yet important, object.
We exported our film as a quicktime at 25fps, using Apple Pro Res 422 codec and after we burnt it onto a disc through Toast Titanium. We repeated this for a low resolution version and burnt it as a quicktime, as well as a disc containing  just the audio of the piece.

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